Friday, January 30, 2009

my host brother Felipe!

My host brother Felipe is so cool! I love him! I didn`t see him all day yesterday so when I did see him, he gave me a big hug and said it`s been to long Annie!!!! It was cute! i fill loved! (From people in Chile)
Take Care
Much Love

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Last night my host brother came up to me and gave me a hug and said "Annie, Hermana!!!!" it was soooo sweet. 
he said "Annie, Sister!!!!" 

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thanks for all the love you have sent me. It means a lot to me. but I also need to feel love from people down here. which I believe is happening. I just changed host families and I love them so much. My little 12 year old host borther is funny. he just comes up randomly and messes up my hair. or will come sit by me and put my head on my shoulder. he gives me a hug or more then A hug everyday. i have needed that. and when i dont know a word in spanish he doesnt get mad and he will explain it. this family is what i have been waiting for! today if anyone want to celebrate its been 7 months sense my last heart surgery. im having a few friends over and we are just going to watch movies, play games, maybe go swimming. you can do that stuff if you want. well maybe not go swimming. but you could watch a movie and play games. i think we are going to watch twilight. and games i think PS2 games with my host brother. sorry its short notice. but thats my update!
take care
much love
Thanks again for the love!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I have been full of many emotions lately. I feel like people are always tearing me down and never building me up. All I want to hear is that someone loves me, that I will be able to make it through this hard time. Anything to help. Last night I was saying my prayers, and I said that, that all I wanted to hear was that I'm loved, That someone will stand by my side and help me through this hard time. Right after I said that I relized how stupid I had been. I have someone who always loves me, who will always be there for me, right next to me. The whole time, who is willing to help me, guide me whatever I need at that time. Right now thats really wants getting me through is that knowledge.
Take Care
Much Love

Friday, January 16, 2009

Pretty Sunsets!!!!

1st- A big jellyfish! 2nd- me studying the jellyfish! 3rd- me holding the jellyfish! 4th- The jellyfish on a shell

1st- A dead crab Montana and I found on the beach. 2nd- roasted starburst!! 3rd- my sad s'more, all the stuffing came out. :(4th- Montana and I making S'mores. 5th- Us eating the YUMMYYYYYYYYY!!! S'MORES!

1st- Luis(my host dad) cooking a S'more. 2nd- Nacha and her boyfriend eating s'mores 3rd- some nasty thing we found in the ocean. 4th- me and some fish thing. 5th- the cool fish eye!

1st- city and ocean. 2nd- me on a horse. 3rd- Nacha and BAD PANCHO!!! 4th moon. 5th- clouds!


Well on the 1st of Jan. my host family and I went to an ocean for 15 days. it was cool. i was bored cause i didnt have any friends. but then on the 8th of Jan. an exchange student came. So it got better after that!!! xD i did meet someone, he and his girlfriend were really cool. they will be people i keep in touch with for a long time! but the left on the 9th. so when they left it was boring. on the last day the other exchange student(Montana) and I werent so happy. we were helping pack up and everything. which is fine. i know i need to help. im not going to make my host family do everything. but my 14 year old host sister and her boyfriend were just sitting there making out. and not helping at all. they didnt do anything. my host mom saw Montana and I helping out and everything. doing all we could to help out. and then she got mad at us cause we sat down cause we didnt know how else to help. and she didnt get mad at my host sister or her boyfriend at all. i didnt find it really fair. im not there slave, which sometimes i think they think that i am. and when we got home. my host sister and her boyfriend did do anything again. it was Montana and I. but i guess i just need to get over it. and move on. im changing host families soon.
take care
much love