Friday, January 16, 2009

Pretty Sunsets!!!!


Knutti Corner said...

Wow, beautiful pictures of beautiful places. You are having some amazing adventures. My host sister used to read my diary all the time. After all, that's what little sisters are for, to bug you. Ha, Ha. Will you still be living in the same city when you change host families? I kept my same host family for the whole time. That was unusual. I got so attached to the little sister that always bugged me in the beginning, that it was a realy jolt to leave and come home. We still keep in touch. By the way, roasted starbursts. Now that is creative. I'll have to try it some time. See ya. Have a good week. Jolyn

Annie said...

im still in the same city/town. i dont live to far from where i live now. has far has the roasted starbursts go. you should try them. but you have to cook them just right. so good luck. or when i come back i can teach you how to cook them just right!

Knutti Corner said...

OOps, the bell just rang for 3rd period. I thought I had more time. Have a great day. Talk later. Jolyn