Friday, January 30, 2009

my host brother Felipe!

My host brother Felipe is so cool! I love him! I didn`t see him all day yesterday so when I did see him, he gave me a big hug and said it`s been to long Annie!!!! It was cute! i fill loved! (From people in Chile)
Take Care
Much Love


Sydney said...

annie I was looking through you pictures and half way through I said to myself when is this going to end then finaly I got to the end and it also sounds like your having fun and I really want to see you soon.


Knutti Corner said...

Hi from Paris, home of the Trifle Tower. Ha ha. I just thought I'd say hi. I have been home from school with a terrible cold. I must hit the trenches tomorrow. It seems like you are happy and doing well. Have a good week. I will post on my blog this weekend. I have some stuff about Special Olmpics. Love ya Jolyn