Saturday, March 28, 2009

Circus on ice!!!!!

1st- Theresa, Me, Caro, and Bruno. New friends. 2nd- Shabe, Me, Naty(one of the Natys) 3rd- A leaf with water drops on it! I thought It was pretty! 4th and 5th- a heart made out of leaves! I think its pretty cool!!!


1st- Some kids in my class. 2nd- me about to go through the canopy. 3rd- pretty sunset. 4th- Volcano in Pucon. Yes it is smoking from the top and I was that close to it! I didn't zoom!!!! It was so scary!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dang those Russans can put on a freaking amazing cirus on ice show!!!!!!!!!! I want to go again!! It was so much fun!!! I took lots of pictures and videos but sorry I'm not going to post videos. So you will have to wait till I get home. I hope I can go again!!!!!!
Take Care
Much Love

Thursday, March 19, 2009

2 digit numbers?!?!?!?!?!

How is it possible I'm down to 2 digit numbers until I come back home??? Where did the last 7 months go?!?!?!?!?!?!
Take Care
Much Love

Monday, March 2, 2009

Best feeling for a 16 year old exchange student

One- when I went to school today my friends told me my spanish was great! and I was able to carry on a convo with them!!!

two- watching a movie in spanish without subtitles and understanding the movie and enjoying it!

take care
much love

Sunday, March 1, 2009

sorry i got my days confused. i start school monday the 2nd.
take care
much love